If You Can, Do

My cursor blinks at me as I contemplate how I can possibly start this article.

Late last week we tragically lost Aaron Thompson, a friend, son, brother, teammate, aspiring Doctor, and all-around fantastic human. I miss him.

Aaron and I were very close friends from early elementary school through high school. Though we drifted from being close friends, we remained and would always remain good friends who look forward to seeing each other when they "happen to".

The thing about "happen to" is that unless chance plays its role, it doesn't happen.

Post-high school, whenever Aaron’s name came up, I would think, "I can't wait until I run into 'AT' some day." The prospect brought me joy each time. I looked forward to a hug, some jokes exchanged, and his effervescence when he would tell me what he’s been up to. I have many good friends who were very close with Aaron, so I figured it was only a matter of time until we ran into each other.

If you can, do.

If you can reach out to the person in your life that you’re excited to see someday but don't know when you'll see...do.

If you can get back in touch with someone you have love for, do.

If you can be another connection, another source of love and positivity for someone, be so.

It is not length of life, but depth of life. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

By all accounts, by mine and of friends, Aaron lived a deep, ambitious, and playful life. I'll miss him dearly.

I'm not holding shame or regret for not having seen Aaron lately. Instead I will choose to let his death remind me, just as he reminded us all by the way he lived, to live fully and with joy.