Ignorance is bliss when it leads to action otherwise not taken. We will always learn more about what we don't know through action.

You may recognize the title of this article to be a mnemonic device to remember comma rules as it relates to the conjunctions: (f)or, (a)nd, (n)or, (b)ut, (o)r, (y)et, and (s)o.
I first learned of this device and the rules that surround it sometime in middle school. It might not be basic grammar, but it sure is close. Many would consider it a prerequisite to taking yourself seriously as a writer or to publishing your writing at all.
Fortunately I haven't let my confusion of this rule hold me back. You see I've learned about FANBOYS many times over the years and Andie, my lovely girlfriend and editor extraordinaire, has kindly corrected the many times (she suggested I add βmanyβ π ) in which I applied the rule incorrectly. The thing is, I didn't actually understand the rule until I re-learned it again last week.
To be honest, I'm still not 100% clear, but I'm on my way.
The reason I embarrass myself to tell you this is simply to say: get started. We will always have a story to tell ourselves as to why we can't start doing something. We haven't done this yet, we haven't learned that yet, we haven't consulted them yet...
Ignorance is bliss when it leads to action otherwise not taken. We will always learn more about what we don't know through action.
Get started.