Strength From Weakness
We all have the capacity to turn our greatest weakness, the thing that holds us back, into our greatest strength.

I'm currently reading The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer. As a huge fan of Roger Federer, I'm (of course!) loving it.
What I had forgotten is that Federer was a hothead when he was young. He would cry after almost any match he lost. In his teens and late teens, coaches and peers feared that his mental instability could be the thing that held him back from being great and actualizing his potential.
Had he not turned his biggest weakness into his greatest strength, none of us would know his name, I would not be writing about him today, and he certainly would not have held the position of #1 ranked player in the world for 302 weeks.
It won't be easy, Federer would tell you that, but we all have the capacity to turn our greatest weakness, the thing that holds us back, into our greatest strength.
Our strength grows out of our weakness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Federer became one of the most level-headed and respected players to have ever played the game because he chose to do what it took to turn this weakness into a strength.
We all have that ability.
Acknowledge any weaknesses you might have, ask for help, and do what it takes to turn your weakness into one of your greatest strengths. Who knows what might be possible?