Doing What You Don't Feel Like Doing
Generally what's best for us, what's going to serve us in the long run, is neither going to be easy nor be the thing we feel like doing.
Before I get to this week's post, I want to acknowledge the fact that I did not share an article with you all last week. This was the first time I missed sharing an article (on Wednesday) for over 2 years (!!!).
I was sick and surprisingly hadn't even realized it until Friday of last week.
I'm not going to lament, instead, I'm going to show up this week and share something with you all. There's a ton that I've learned from having this consistent practice that I may explore in a future article. For now...
How great does it feel to do the thing that's best for you when you didn't feel like doing it?!
Pretty great, right?
It's not easy, certainly, but that's okay.
Generally what's best for us, what's going to serve us in the long run, is neither going to be easy nor be the thing we feel like doing.
But, if we aim to show up at our best, and we prioritize our long-term growth over how we feel in any given moment, then it's necessary that we do things we don't feel like doing.
I didn't feel like going on a run earlier today, and the fact that it was pouring rain definitely didn't help. But, I had committed to going on a run today. So, even though I truly did not feel like going for a run in the rain, I did so anyway.
It felt great. If I can take the first few strides in my running shoes, I'm off, I just have to make sure I take those first few steps.
And guess what? The rain made my run today fun.
Had I not gone for a run, I wouldn't have learned that there are kids at the park near our home who are being tasked with eating invasive plants and unwanted weeds.
And by kids I mean baby goats, alongside their goat parents, of course.
Again, we're often not going to feel like doing what's best for us, but that doesn't have to stop us. The next time you don't feel like following through on your diet, exercise plan, or the way in which you said you'd treat your spouse, friend, or neighbor, take the first few steps.
Do that enough times and you'll surprise yourself. You'll actually find over time that you actually do enjoy these things that keep us healthy and are best for us, sometimes it just takes doing them a few times when we don't quite feel like it.