We Got Married!

On Friday, June 3rd, I was lucky enough to get married to Andie who I can now call my WIFE.
We had a blast and are so very grateful to our family and friends for celebrating with us and for helping make that day, as they do every other day, so special.
As a result, as you may have noticed, I've missed the mark in sharing a weekly article with you over the past few weeks. Apparently things DO get that busy in the lead up to a wedding and yes, if the computer can be avoided during a Honeymoon, it's best to opt for that.
I must admit, I'm not sure about how I'll proceed from here. I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I share with you, but often I'm compelled to write about music...something for which I have very little experience and a lot of hesitation.
But is that the right fit...?
I'm not sure. I think I'll take some time to consider what next step I want to take as it relates to writing and my inner creative calling.
If you have any suggestions, recommendations, or anything else to share with me at any point, please do. I'm always here to help in any way I can. In the meantime, I'll share more with you when I'm ready.
Lastly, in an effort to hopefully bring a smile to your face, I wanted to quickly tell you about how I surprised Andie by bringing our dog, Leon, to our wedding for our ceremony.
A couple minutes into the Ceremony, our Officiant (Andie's awesome cousin, Jerry) told Andie and the crowd that there was someone who was not invited to the wedding, yet, was demanding to be there. I knew exactly who this was. Andie, as you can tell by her face in these pictures, did not.

I then raced up the stairs with Leon as he could not wait to see his mawm, Andie, in her beautiful dress.

He was happy to be there, to say the least.

And after exchanging our vows and saying "I do", we walked down the aisle as husband and wife.

And then proceeded to take one more picture with our surprise guest before he headed home for the night.

I love you, Andie. Perhaps we'll team up on a blog now that we're married.