What Do You Do When You're ON?!

What Do You Do When You're ON?!

Those days you’re ON...you’re energized, joyful, grateful, generous, loving...what are you doing?

Our actions drive our feelings, not the other way around.

Make the implicit, explicit. Write down — right now if you feel so inspired — what you DO when you’re ON.

I ________________________________________________________.

I ________________________________________________________.

I ________________________________________________________.

I ________________________________________________________.

I ________________________________________________________.


Now how can you go about doing one (or all!) of those things just a little more often?

I made my own list recently. Here’s what I’m doing when I’m ON! 🔥 🔥 🔥

- I meditate first thing in the morning.

- I journal before I touch my phone.

- I don’t eat (or drink!) sugar.

- I close loops at the end of my workday and establish a plan for the coming morning.

- I put down my electronic devices at least one hour before bed (Digital Sunset) and read.

What do you do?

I’d love to know!

And again, how can you go about doing one (or all!) of those things just a little more often?