The Value of Clarity

In my work I've always valued clarity. It's immensely helpful to understand clearly what I'm being asked to do and how I can best serve the team I'm on.
But there are times, of course, when I didn't have that clarity. If I went too long without asking for the clarity I needed, that unsureness could lead to frustration or burnout. So, over time, I got into a habit of more consistently asking for the clarity I needed to show up as best as I could to serve our team and to help us (Heroic) move towards our mission of helping 51% of the world flourish by 2051.
I've recently taken on a leadership position and can feel the increasing importance of clarity.
If I don't have supreme clarity on what our team's targets are, how we can move towards them, and why our targets matter, then how could my team possibly have clarity on what's being asked of them?
Clarity takes time, but it's necessary. I usually find clarity though walks or pockets of solitude.
I look forward to more deeply exploring my shift into this leadership position with you all in a way that I hope you find helpful.
For now, consider for a moment something that may currently feel unresolved in your life. Are there questions you can ask of yourself or others to move towards the clarity you need to move forward?
Take that first step towards a deeper sense of clarity today. There is an immense value in clarity that I encourage us all to tap more deeply into today.